We promote an environment where people and projects succeed.
Visualization Services
Merjent visualization services are a powerful communication tool for your toolbelt
Visualization Services
distilling environmental data into accessible and understandable images
Visualization Services
Transform complex concepts into visually compelling representations
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Our images enable stakeholders, including regulatory agencies and local communities, to see the potential effects of a project.
Merjent visualization experts excel at:
Transforming engineering models into easy to understand renderings
Conveying project design intent, foliage management plans, and landscaping options
Creating digital renderings using site photos
Using GPS enabled photos to engineer precise 3D models
Visualization Examples
1. Electric Substation for Proposed Solar Farm
The first image is a pre-project site photo of a corn field along a road. In the middle image Merjent used terrain data and landscaping plans to show structures, grading and vegetation screening as though the project was already complete. The final image shows an overhead view of the proposed project and the perspective of the photo used in the first two images.
2. Proposed Solar Farm Visualization
In the following images we used a photo of a farm field to create a detailed image of a new solar farm. The first image is the pre-project site photo. The second image shows Merjent’s rendering of the proposed project once it’s complete.
3. Virtual Vegetation Time Laps
In the next image we created a detailed illustration of planned vegetation for a new solar farm, 1 month after planting, 2 months after planting, and 3 months after planting.