We promote an environment where people and projects succeed.

Merjent Field Services

We do biological, cultural, and compliance surveys and inspections across the United States.

Flying sandhill cranes in wetland portion of 9 Springs Conservation Area near Madison, Wisconsin, April 2024, taken by geologist Rebecca Hillman.

We Are Ready

Merjent’s experienced ecologists, archaeologists, and compliance professionals, maintain crucial state and federal certifications, permits, and approvals, so that we can jump in where and when you need us.  

Innovative Field-Based Solutions

  • Stream Assessments and Aquatic Resource Sampling
  • Pre- and Post-Construction Vegetation Survey and Monitoring
  • Identification, Research, Evaluation, and Management Recommendations for Resources
  • Architectural Assessments
  • Conducting Construction Monitoring
  • Permit training for inspectors and contractors
  • Applicant and third-party environmental inspection and documentation
  • SPCC Plans and Monitoring
We understand your specific project needs.
Special concern, threatened, and endangered species workshop training with a professor from University of Wisconsin Madison. Photo taken by Bradley Gumtow biological field services expert.

Merjent Start to Finish

We identify sensitive resources, monitor resource protections or permit requirements during construction, and complete post-construction revegetation monitoring to ensure success every step of the way.

Nationwide Exptertise

50+ Wetland and Ecological Experts

30+ Cultural /Archaeological Staff

15 Endangered Species Staff

10+ Air Quality Experts

Adaptable Field Staffing