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monarch CCAA

monarch candidate conservation agreement with assurances

Clients who operate and maintain energy and transportation projects may benefit from participation in the Monarch Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (Monarch CCAA).
CCAA partners receive incidental take authorization for the monarch butterfly on enrolled lands, if the monarch is federally listed. During routine general operations, vegetation management, and maintenance activities, CCAA partners maintain, enhance, or create habitat for monarchs. CCAA partners identify lands they would like to enroll during the application process. Partners must implement a subset of select conservation measures to maintain and enhance a proportion of their enrolled lands (adopted acres) as monarch habitat. These conservation measures mesh well with IVM efforts that clients may already be implementing. Each year, partners track implementation of conservation measures, conduct effectiveness monitoring, and provide a report to the CCAA coordinator.
  • Liaising with the CCAA program coordinator;
  • Conducting desktop assessment of rights-of-way and facilities;
  • Preparing the application package;
  • Proposing a plan for conservation measure implementation;
  • Tracking conservation measures implemented annually;
  • Monitoring habitat metrics on adopted acres through annual surveys of randomly selected plots;
  • Developing the implementation plan; and
  • Preparing and submitting annual reports to the CCAA program coordinator.

Clients interested in the CCAA need to apply before the species is protected to secure take authorization.


Leslie TeWinkel, PhD
Monarch CCAA Services